
Poe Mill Achievement Center


Poe Mill Achievement Center (PMAC) is an after-school program and summer camp for under-resourced children in Greenville. PMAC, founded by Hannah and Bennett Dixon, is currently housed at Grace & Peace and serves about 40 children from Stone Academy and Cherrydale Elementary.

PMAC is located on the campus of Grace & Peace.

How do I get involved with PMAC? 


You can pray for the children, their families, and PMAC's staff - that they would know the love of God and see him at work in their lives.


You can bring dinner one night or come read with a child, play dodgeball, or help with homework!


You can give to PMAC online or write a check to Poe Mill Achievement Center and mail it to 1215 Buncombe Road / Greenville, SC / 29609.


Please contact Hannah Dixon (hannah@pmacgvl.org) with any questions.